It's easy and fun for you to SHOP, SEE and FEEL what your next dress will be like. Besides for being a pleasure and creative you will know what your getting. Just use our EASY fabric guide listing the required yardage per item based on 45 inch width fabric. Determine the amount needed per garment size.
Custom Fitted Prices (when needed) include zippers, thread and elastic, plain standard buttons , and shoulder pads. Decorative buttons of choice are to be supply by you. Standard Cut Prices you supply all these notion items with the fabric of your choice.
We only supply fabric as noted on some pages. If yardage is not listed we supply the fabric. There are lots of fabric stores both independents and national chains. Like JO ANN's, they do stock a large selection of most any type fabrics. Many Wal-Mart stores have a fabric section in the back corner of the store as well, just beware of cheaper thinner fabrics for they will not last as long.
Picking out your own fabric locally is both fun and rewarding. The suggestions below are ranked by importance beginning with the first item representing the best choice and the last item representing the worst choice with the others going in between.
1) Small prints -- make a person look thinner
This is THE BEST all around design, looks goods on everyone.
NOTE we are speaking about the over all COLOR: Blues, Greens, Purples are good, beware of shades of pinks, oranges, yellows, and browns, also hold the fabric up to you, some people just can not wear some colors and shades. Ask a trusted friend which will be honest with you.
2) Medium to darker shades
look better on sizes 16 and larger.
3) Pastel shades
look best on smaller sizes not good for larger sizes.
4) Lines (running the length) of the fabric --make a person look taller.
Generally good for everyone EXCEPT ladies which are BOTH tall and thin.
NOTE: lines running the short way horizontal (instead of length wise) veto, don't buy.
5) Large prints -- make a person look heavier (over weight if you're normal)
General rule here is pay close attention to rules 2 and 3 also.
6) Checks or plaid fabric -- make a person look much heavier (fat).
Perhaps ok for small children, but we veto it for adult sizes, don't buy it.
Get an honest trusted friend's opinion. Remember you may fall in love with the fabric but if it is not going to look good on you, don't buy it. We want you to be happy with your garment for years to come. It really is easy and you will enjoy the shopping experience.
Take this helpful little guide along with you to the store.
Look on the end of the blot of fabric, the washing instructions and type of fabric are labeled here. Write it down when purchasing if you can't remember.
100% cotton fabric is cooler to wear in the summer but
(1) requires ironing after washing (2) shrinks - therefore be sure to wash in all hot water and dry on a hot temperature setting to PRE-SHRINK the fabric before sending it to us - this will prevent the garment from getting too small on you from shrinking. We do not guarantee against shrink.Denim is also 100% cotton and requires pre-shrinking as outlined in the above paragraph.
Cotton / poly blends are ideal for dresses, blouses, jumpers (heavy blends). Usually the blends are the best because they don't require ironing or shrink. If unsure give us a call.
100% polyesters have a tendency to snag and therefore don't stay nice looking or last as long as other fabrics; but initially they look nicer. These are a stretchy type of fabric and are much hotter to wear compared to cotton in the summer.
Blessings on you and have fun shopping.
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Flower Girl Dresses
Then if you just have to purchase fabric online - we have supplied you with a link to click on below, and you can have it dropped shipped to us and send your sewing order separate.