This is NOT an attempt to condemn those which have used the name of Jesus (just as we did) before getting to know HIM on a first name Hebrew basis. We do believe over 2,000 years the translations from language to language have drifted from their original Hebrew Roots and cultural setting from which we desire to return and see reformation again in the faith and the natural olive tree to be grafted back in again.
word hallelujah, pronounced hal-le-lu- YaH, is the most ancient of all
words of praise to the Creator commonly known today. It is used both on earth and in heaven to
worship the Almighty Creator. We should let the Bible interpret the Bible.
(Rev. 19:1, 3, 4, & 6 ) What is the origin, meaning, and significance of this word?
is a Pure Hebrew word and yet is pronounced the same in many languages, when
properly transliterated. Hallelu-yah means, "praise ye"
- "YaH".
word ref. # H3050
Remember to read Hebrew
characters from right to left.
is the name of the one being praised. [Sing praises to His Name: extol Him that
rideth upon the heavens by His Name "YaH" Psalms 68:4]. We also find
"YaH" in the name of many of the Hebrew Prophets such as Elijah (EliYaH)
which means "God (or the Almighty) is YaH", Jeremiah means "YaH will
rise" which is what the Messiah did, Obadiah, Isaiah, Zechariah, etc.
is the personal name of the Creator. Although YaH is the basic or short form of
the divine name, YaHWeH. The full form of the Heavenly Father's Name is YaHWeH
found in the 0.T. of the Bible in its original Hebrew language 6,825+ times according
to Strong's word referenced #H3068 & #H3069.
name YaHWeH is found in many Bibles, Bible concordances, encyclopedias,
dictionaries, and in many current writings of history and archaeology, etc.
"The Bible" by James Moffatt, Hon.D.D., D.Litt. translation 1926 A.D.
reprinted several times by Harper & Row, orderable through some Christian
book stores, it states on pg. 20-21 of the introduction: "Strictly
ought to be rendered "YaHWeH" which
is familiar to modern readers in the erroneous form of [Jehovah]".
ISBN: 0-06-065778-2.
spelling and pronunciation of "Jehovah" was erroneously introduced by
Galatinus in 1520 A.D. and came about when some Bible translators mistakenly
used the vowel sounds of the Hebrew word for lord (adonai) and mixed them with
JHVH alleged equivalents to the Hebrew letters that form the divine ~ inventing
a new hybrid word. As early as 1902 "Rotherham Emphasized Bible" revealed this error with a detailed explanation in
the introduction and was the
first English Bible to restore the correct spelling "YaHWeH"
throughout the 0.T. in English. This 1902 Bible was reprinted in 1959 by Kregel Publications.
Library of Congress #:59-7560. ISBN0-8254-3601-X Orderable through some
Christian book stores.
all up to date English dictionaries show "YaHWeH" as the true form of
the divine name. Originally the name YaHWeH was used in the whole earth when all
men knew YaHWeH was the Creator. There were no other titles or names of false deities
substituted in the place of the Hebrew
, then. (Gen.4:26) YaHWeH being the correct English transliteration by spelling
and pronunciation. Even after most of the world went into idolatry, YaHWeH made
Himself known again by name to
is interesting how and why the name YaHWeH after being freely used for centuries as
revealed to the Hebrew people who were instructed to use it, (Deut. 6:13,
10:20) actually were the ones who later obscured the name with substitute
Jewish religious leaders began to say "it was too sacred to be
spoken". Because of this tradition the people were taught to just think,
read, and say "Adonai" (LORD) when they came across the divine name in
the Scriptures.
when vowel marks were later added to the Hebrew language, (about 900 A.D. by the
Masoretes) they inserted the vowel marks for Adonai upon the divine name of
YaHWeH, instead of those that actually belonged there. This is the tradition of
men that even holds christendom captive today from praising HIS name. The vowel points
indicated to the Jewish people to think, read and say "Adonai" the
substituted title instead of, YaHWeH, the true name of God. As a result, centuries later, when
some Gentile translators sought to translate the Scriptures into other languages
they became confused, and mixed the vowel sounds for Adonai with the letters
YHWH of the divine name, and incorrectly (let it be assumed accidentally) came up with the hybrid name of
Some may ask, “What Is the Importance of all this anyway?” It seems strange that anyone should question the importance of their Creator's name, especially if they claim HIM as their Heavenly Father. Did HE not teach us to pray, “Hallowed be thy name?” Which one of you has a close relationship with anyone, and does not know the identity given and requested by your friend as his given proper name and appellation? Who gives us the idea that we can treat the Creator of the Universe with any less respect than a human being?
Honest men had a desire to correct the translations to include the Heavenly
Father's name. John Nelson Darby printed the O.T. with Jehovah in the
6,800+ times in 1881. It was NOT the Jehovah Witnesses that first restored
the name thought to be right; it was the Brethren movement.
The Bible itself
does not leave us to doubt as to whether or not the name of YaH, or YaHWeH, is
important for us to know, use, and praise. When the true name is put back in the
places where the Jewish and Gentile translators have substituted the words
"LORD" and “GOD”, the reading of the Bible makes it very clear
that we should know and love the name of YaHWeH. Here are just a few examples:
6:9a "YaHWeH's voice crieth unto the city, and the man of wisdom shall see
thy name." Ezek. 39:7 "So will I make MY Holy Name known in the midst
of MY people Israel; and I will not let them pollute MY Holy Name any more; and
the heathen" (Gentiles) "shall know that I am YaHWeH the Holy One in
Israel." Zech. 14:9 "And YaHWeH shall be KING over all the earth: in
that day shall there be one YaHWeH, and HIS name one." Joel 2:32b "And
it shall come to pass that whosoever shall call on the name of YaHWeH shall be
delivered" (quoted in Romans 10:13 & Acts 2:21) Exodus 20:7 "Thou shalt not take
the name of YaHWeH thy God in vain, for YaHWeH will not hold him guiltless
that taketh HIS name in vain." (To say HIS Name is unimportant or a vain
thing is certainly one form of taking it in vain; as in bringing it to naught,
or ignoring it.) Jer. 23:27a “Which think to cause my people to forget MY name
. . . ” Mal. 3:16 “Then they that feared YaHWeH spake often one to another;
and YaHWeH hearkened, and heard it, and a book of remembrance was written before
HIM for them that feared YaHWeH, and that thought upon HIS Name."
Messiah preached the name YaHWeH to his disciples and taught them to Hallow it,
even in prayer "Hallowed be thy name". (John 17:6, Matt. 6:9, Luke
11:2) The KJV clearly brings this name over into English in the short form
"JAH" (pronounced YaH as in halleluJah). This by itself is enough for
the obedient sou1 to see his responsibility and to use the correct name. "JAH"
Strong's word reference #H3050,
of #H3068
Now we know
"Jehovah" should be "YaHWeH"
the sacred name, as written in stone by the finger
English letter “J” may be troubling you. How could so many people get the
first letter of so many words wrong? Operating under a Greek Label, theologians
have added or changed many words to start with a “J” or soft “G” sound
incorrectly hiding or covering the name of the Most High, following the
tradition of men.
theologians believe several books if not all the New Testament was originally
written in the Hebrew language of Bible days (Aramaic). Just take your Strong's
Concordance and reference each word that starts with a “J” you will find the
pronunciation NEVER starts with “J”. Why? Because the Greek and Hebrew
languages of the Bible have NO equivalent letter to the English “J” sound. In
fact, the letter “J” was added to the English alphabet around the eighteenth
century which is easily proved with many ENGLISH Bibles printed before the
1900's. The ORIGINAL KJV 1611 used the LATIN letter “I” where you now see
“J”s. This word-for-word reprint of the ORIGINAL 1611 KJV is available at
your Christian book store, Thomas Nelson Publishers book #301, ORIGINAL 1611
“V” comes from the Germanic Hebrew, while the double “V” – “W”
comes from the Spanish Hebrew which is the one thought to be the most accurate
biblically by the majority of scholars. German speakers can’t pronounce
“W” but pronounce “V” in it’s place. The majority of Jews resettling
the new nation of Israel formed in 1948 A.D. spoke German and hence MODERN
Hebrew uses the “V” instead of the “W”.
“W” in Hebrew is also the number 6.
Internet addresses use “WWW”, clearly 666, not “VVV”.
“W” is supposed to be the closest to the Hebrew spoken in historical Israel.
YaHWeH did not leave us to question which language HE gave HIS name in. Read the
119 Psalm and you will find the Hebrew alphabet all twenty-two letters used as
divisions in the Psalm. Let the Bible interpret the Bible, it must all fit
together. YaHWeH wrote HIS Name In Hebrew on stone with HIS Own Finger for
Moses. (Exodus 20:7, 31:18 and Deut. 5:11, 9:10) Moses' time is believed to be the beginning of the written word of
YaHWeH, about 1700 B.C.
Resurrected Messiah spoke HIS Name in the Hebrew tongue (according to KJV Acts
26:14-15) to Saul, who is accused of making it Greek, which origin we shall
explore in a moment.
30:4 “Who hath ascended up into heaven, or descended? who hath gathered the
wind in his fists? who hath bound the waters in a garment? who hath established
all the ends of the earth? what is HIS name, and what is HIS son's name, If
thou canst tell?
Christians' answer: God & Jesus. God (without capital
OD) is used in our English Bibles simply
to denote “a mighty one.” So
what is HIS name? You now know the answer to the first part: YaHWeH, which
answer comes from Scripture in Psalm 83:18 "That men may know that thou,
whose name alone is YaHWeH, art the most high over all the earth." Here
is a list of Bibles which translated the name YaHWeH in this verse and else
where in the O.T.: 1902 Rotherham Emphasized Bible, 1963
Holy Name Bible, 1966 Anchor Bible (Bible [not verified] and Complete Scholarly Commentary),
1966 Jerusalem Bible (Catholic), 1981 The Sacred Scriptures, Bethel Edition,
1993 The Scriptures (from South Africa - contains the Hebrew letters), 2000 The Word of Yahweh, and
there are others as well not listed here. There are
a great cloud of witnesses to this fact.
30:4b "And
what is HIS Son's Name? IF THOU CANST TELL ??? ”
This question was wrote by
Solomon under the pen name of Agur almost a 1,000 years before the Messiah came.
The number of man is six. The Scriptural answer is the (sixth) book of the
Bible, Joshua. If the Bible asks a question it must have an answer. The answer
cannot be Jesus spelled “JESUS” because the English language didn’t start
until about 2,000 years later; 1,000 years after Messiah's first coming. The name spelled
“JESUS” was NEVER in print until the late I700’s, not even in Bibles,
it was spelled with the Latin “I” Iesus.
Therefore the answer must be a Hebrew answer to the Hebrew question...( 1 Thes.
5 :21 )
the answer from a Hebrew Bible. Full pronunciation would be
YaHWe-shua containing the Father's full name. Note the first two Hebrew letter
starting at the right working left. YH
Wycliffe, who did the first well-known English translation, supposedly didn’t
know Greek or Hebrew (he only knew Latin).
Yet he translated the Saviour’s name as, ihesus.
ih or YH are the Hebrew letters for YaH.
The Latin “I” was a “Y” sound. The common Latin for the name is
IESU. Can we assume Wycliffe knew
Latin better than we do to come up with Ihesus for English?
I have also seen the letters “I H S” interpreted as being the first three Hebrew Letters of the father's and son's name,
(remember read Hebrew right to left) why “YHW”
“YHW” though “I H S” comes via
the Latin "I" and the Greek "S", I forget the whole
song and dance of how they allege it come to be that way but it seemed plausible.
There is also a direct connection between the name of the Father and the name of HIS Son, our Saviour. In Psalm 72: 17, in the well known “World Publishing Co. edition of the KJV,” the center reference gives the original Hebrew to read as follows: “HIS name shall be as a Son to continue HIS Father's name for ever: and men shall be blessed in HIM: all nations shall call HIM blessed.” This is clearly a prophecy concerning the Saviour. Of course a son always bears his father's name or family name. The Saviour Himself said, “I have come in my Father's name.” (John 5:43) If the Son did not have the Father's eternal name, how could the Son have a name, which is above every name, that every knee in heaven must bow to? (Philippians 2:5-11) We must not forget that our God is a Jealous God. Exo.20:5 & 34:14 & Eze. 39:25 The name of the Lamb slain from the foundation of the world needs to be eternal as Hebrews 13:8 indicates, “the same yesterday, and today, and for ever.” The Holy Scriptures proclaim that the Father would name HIS Son. Isaiah 62:2 “And the Gentiles shall see thy righteousness, and all kings thy glory: and thou shalt be called by a new name, which the mouth of YaHWeH shall name.” Only God has the right to name HIS son. We see that the Father would name, HIS Son, in harmony with Proverbs 30:4 and Hebrews 13:8, that the name is THE SAME YESTERDAY, AND TODAY, AND FOR EVER, and answer the 3,000 year old question of Proverb 30:4 - what is HIS Son's name, if thou canst tell?
that almost indicate a "hiding" of the name? IF THOU CANST
TELL? Is it going to be so easy just to pick up any printed Bible and give
the answer that has only now been in print about 250 years? Jesus.
This is a 3,000 year old question, which the resurrected MESSIAH HIMself spoke
in HEBREW from heaven to the Jewish (Hebrew speaking) Apostle
Yet HIS name YaHWeH YaHWe-shua is NEW to untaught people who have been raised only with the traditions of their fathers instead of seeing the clear linkage to the Hebrew. The demons in the N.T. recognized the person and name of the Son immediately. (Mark 1 :24 & Luke 4:34) Bible scholars and many pastors know that our Saviour was not known by the label of “JESUS” in Bible times, nor for over a 1,000 years after.
The fact many have come to accept
the persona of the Saviour, while knowing only the name of Jesus, (or Iesus) does not make
that HIS actual authoritative given name. HE was born a Hebrew as prophesied in
Isaiah 9:6, Micah 5:2, and elsewhere. But the spelling “JESUS” is not Hebrew
or Greek. Its origin is PURE LATIN “IESU” with the addition of the “S”
ending borrowed from the Greek syntax then in the eighteenth century the Latin
beginning of “I” was changed to the New English Letter “J” along with
other words like: Jeremiah, Jehovah, Jerusalem, James, John, etc. of course all
were “I”s in THE ORIGINAL 1611 KJV; which corresponds to the Hebrew
“Yode” as the English letter “Y” sounds.
In addition, many N.T. names are changed ignoring the known correct 0.T. names, some are: Esaias (Isaiah), Osee in Romans 9:25 is really (Hosea), Jeremy (Jeremiah), Jonas (Jonah), Elias pronounced Helias for (Elijah). But Helios was the name of the ancient Greek god of the sun, as they were sun worshippers. What’s going on here? Is the God of the universe, the god of Greek mythology? NO, but it appears man’s translation has attempted to interject some of these ideas by the names used (or substituted via the Greek). It is an unchallenged fact the Greeks were all messed up mythology with all kinds of gods by several names.
people are mistaken to believe the Greek is more authoritative than Hebrew for
biblical content and Hebrew name transliterations.
People and their traditions do unfortunately cause that thought to arise
though. The Roman Catholics believe
Latin is the Holy Language, some Anabaptists believe their German tongue is the
Holy Language for church services, many Protestant theologians believe Greek is
the Holy Language, many King James Only people believe the King James English is
the Holy Language. One even said
Jesus is the “new Name” spoken of in Isaiah 62:2 and Rev.3:12.
Well, if that is a fact, we have only had it since about 1769 A.D.
So what about all the people before that? The Hebrew has been here since
lets let the KJV be the basis of this decision not our personal bias.
Above we saw several of the O.T. prophets whose original names were
Hebrew without question given very mystique nicknames in the New Testament.
We are told this is because of the Greek.
OK, but since their original names were Hebrew, shouldn’t we be
concerned with the Hebrew for an English translation?
Of course, but Luke 4:27 proves Greek injection upon both Greek and
English by the 1611 KJV placing Elizeus for the Hebrew prophet’s name of
Elisha. Later printings were
changed to camouflage the “Z” by writing it backwards as an “S”, Eliseus
(Elisha). This singular injection
shows the clear inference being played upon the English people – if no more
than tradition today. But someone
in time and space started it.
(son of Joshua), the title: Christ (Messiah), and Jesus (Joshua or better
YaHshua short form of YaHWe-shua). By now you are beginning to see the pattern being set, by the
Hellenization of the N.T., as in contrast to honest translation of proper names
(into English) from the name’s original tongue. The third century Latin &
Biblical Koine Greek are DEAD languages which live on today as ENGLISH. Read any
"Encyclopedic Unabridged English Dictionary and look at the origin
languages from
it's traditional translation, Joshua, transliterated, YaHshua, short for
The following information is given NOT in an attempt to demonize nor blasphemy the name of Jesus. But this information is historical (if it can be honestly PROVEN wrong it will be removed from this web site). Also we are not attempting to condemn those which have used the name of Jesus (just as we did) before getting to know HIM on a first name Hebrew basis. We do believe over 2,000 years of translations from language to language has drifted from their original Hebrew Roots from which we desire to return and see reformation again in faith and the natural olive tree to be grafted back in again.
oldest N.T. Greek translations remaining today
“Iesous” for the name. According to the famous Liddel and Scott Greek
Lexicon, Iesous is the Ionic masculine form of the name “Iaso” (the Greek
goddess of healing). See by looking up the word “Iaso”.
may be thinking: "well where did “Iesous” come from, it had to come
from somewhere. The pronunciation of "Jesus" in Spanish is similar
“Ea-Zeus” as is “Iesous” could have been pronounced? I am not a Greek
scholar nor want to be.
these things can be looked up by the average person in dictionaries / Lexicons.
“Ea” - a healing god of mythology and "Zeus" - supreme
deity of the Greeks and by whom the Romish Translators belonged at which time
the N.T. ~ were effectively Hellenized in 100 to 3OO A.D. just as the Jewish
Sabbath was replaced by the Romish Sun-God holiday, Sunday. The Roman Catholic
Church took up dogma and bloody persecution to enforce their opinions.
was nothing new as brought out in Moishe Rosen's book “Y’shua”. The Roman
Antiochus Epiphanes instituted a program to fully hellenize Jewish religion in
167 B.C.E. He decreed that the Jewish Deity would be regarded as a local
manifestation of ZEUS with services altered accordingly and enforced under
penalty of death. This history is recorded in the apocryphal books of Maccabees.
This resulted in “Hanukkah” also mentioned in (John 10:22) as the feast of
the dedication celebrating the Jewish Temple recapture in 164 B.C.E.
the Great commanded whole armies to be baptized as the religious and political
authorities were being solidly combined, as the Roman Catholic Church made
sweeping compromises to gain the following of the pagan masses. History tells us
the rest of the story how the Roman Catholics lead the world into the dark ages.
Slowly courageous men began to expose the dead traditions of churchianity and
the reformation started. We still need to forsake tradition for truth. The
reformation still needs to continue “till we all come in the unity of the
faith, and of the knowledge of the Son of YaHWeH, unto a perfect man, unto the
measure of the stature of the fullness of Messiah:” (Ephesians 4:13)
important thing is WHAT IS HIS NAME? It is in fact the same as Joshua
successor of Moses in the KJV Hebrews 4:8 & Acts 7:45 the name “Jesus”
in (Strong's Greek Lexicon reference #G2424 is "Iesous" the same for
Jesus everywhere in the N.T.). Some
King James Versions are now printing Joshua in these two verses. However it is
true these verses should be Joshua, BUT this PROVES using the Greek reference
that Joshua should be everywhere
"Jesus" appears in your Bible, since the same Greek word #G2424 is
used throughout. Also Strong's clearly tells us that the N.T. name of the
Saviour comes from "Joshua" the Hebrew reference #H3091.
translates both Heb. 4:8 & Acts 7:45 Joshua #G2424 but then
contradicts himself saying the Hebrew Messiah's name is #H3442 "Ye'shua"
which only means "he will save", or as , some say “salvation”; and
forget the precious link with the Father’s name (YaH); short for YaHWeH.
Messianic Jews are making this same mistake, refusing to give glory, praise, and
honor to the Father's Name, YaHWeH, or by hallowing "YaH" HIS revealed name.
YaH, we can worship in spirit and in truth if we will just obey the commandments
of YaH and leave the traditions
As we have already seen the letter "J" is not in Hebrew so instead of "Joshua" we have "YaHshua", or fully pronounced YaHWe-shua. Do this yourself. Say "Joshua" now take off the "J" sound and insert the "Y" sound and you will see you pronounce, YaHshua. YaHshua is the short condensed pronunciation silencing the middle Hebrew letter. If you pronounce all the Hebrew letters you will pronounce YaHWe-shua, with the complete name of the Father YaHWeH. This clearly shows the connection with HIS Father's name.
Therefore the best way to transliterate the name “Joshua” in present day English is "YaHshua". Spanish spelling is the same. Strong's #H3091 "Joshua" is from #H3068 "YaHWeH" and #H3467 "shua" meaning salvation. Therefore the full pronunciation YaHWe-shua now says exactly what it means: YaHWeH Is Salvation.
YaHWe-shua into Matthew 1:21 and you can read with new,
greater and clearer understanding the same as Joseph received from the angelic
messenger. Joseph immediately understood the meaning of the name, he was told to
give to the Son of God, by the Heavenly Father. Matthew 1:21 "And she shall bring forth a son, and thou shalt
call HIS name YaHWe-shua (meaning: YaHWeH is Salvation): for HE shall save HIS
people from their sins." There are also many beautiful parallels between
Joshua in the O.T. and YaHshua (i.e. YaHWe-shua) in the N.T. So our Saviour's name in answer to
Proverbs 30:4 is YaHWeshua, or YaHshua for the shorted contracted form. HIS name
contains the divine, family name of YaH. He truly came in HIS Father's name just
as HE said HE did "I am come in my father's name" (John 5:43 &
Psa. 72:17) He alone is "YaHWeH's Salvation". "Neither is there
salvation in any other, for there is none other name under heaven given among
men, whereby we must be saved." (Acts 4:12) "To HIM give all the
(Hebrew) prophets witness, that through HIS name whosoever believeth in HIM
shall receive remission of sins." (Acts 10:43)
We are not attempting to condemn those which have used the name of Jesus (just as we did) before getting to know HIM on a first name Hebrew basis. We do believe over 2,000 years the translations from language to language have drifted from their original Hebrew Roots from which we desire to return and see reformation again in faith and the natural olive tree to be grafted back in again.
is not to say that those who, in the past, have been unwillingly ignorant of HIS
true name have not found salvation in the persona of our Saviour. For
God is a spirit knowing the hearts more than spoken words from mens' lips.
Yet when our hearts are given totally over to HIM, we believe HE will visit our
lips by HIS Spirit with TRUTH also. Some have
accepted the personage of the Saviour as recorded in Scripture while being
ignorant of HIS true given name. In heaven it is recorded that they are saved by
the blood of YaHWe-shua the Messiah. The reason this can be so is that YaH is
the Father of grace and mercy. We are not saved by our works, or our correct pronunciation
of HIS name. But an honest earnest hungering and thirsting after
righteousness and to KNOW HIM better, and this is why this was written for your
edification, not your condemnation. Therefore HE looks not on the outward appearance,
but on the intention of the heart. (1Sam.16:7) Let us be quick to leave our
ignorant past, even the tradition of men, and begin worshipping in spirit and in truth.
is the intention of your heart, now? Can you honestly now use HIS Hebrew name
YaHshua/YaHWe-shua in your prayers? Is this your heart's cry. Psa. 25:5 -
"Lead me in thy truth, and teach me: for thou art salvation; on
thee do I wait all the day." Psalms 86:11 "Teach me thy way, YaHWeH; I
will walk in thy truth: unite my heart to fear thy name. " Psalms 86:12
"I will praise thee, O YaHWeH my Elohim, with all my heart: and I will
glorify thy name forevermore." Psalms 145:21 "My mouth shall speak the
praise of YaHWeH: and let all flesh bless HIS holy name for ever and ever."
IsaYaH 52:6 - "Therefore my people shall know my name: therefore they
shall know in that day that I am He that doth speak: behold, it
is I."
JeremYaH 16:21 - "Therefore, behold, I will do is once cause them to
know, I will cause them to know mine hand and my might; and they shall know that
my name is YaHWeH." Eze. 39:7 -"So will I make my holy name known in
the midst of my people Israel; and I will not let them pollute my holy name
any more: and the heathen shall know that I am YaHWeH, the Holy One of
Israel." Psalms 105:3 "Glory ye in his holy name: let the heart of
them rejoice that seek YaHWeH."
He is full of justice and TRUTH. So his past mercy in no way justifies continuing in ignorance. To use the words of Acts 17:30, "The times of this ignorance YaHWeH winked at; but now commandeth all men every where to repent:". When any truth is restored that men's traditions have hidden, it becomes the responsibility of HIS true peculiar people to walk in that truth regardless of the cost. “Therefore to him that knoweth to do good, and doeth it not, to him it is sin." - James 4:17 Judge righteous judgment neighbor. For it is YaHWe-shua Messiah (YaHWeH) who shall judge each of us. Just as HE did the Jews. Malachi 2:2 – “If you will not hear, and if you will not lay it to heart, to give glory unto MY name, saith YaHWeH of hosts, I will even send a curse upon you, and I will curse your blessings: yes, I have cursed them already, because you do not lay it to heart." Keep in mind that the word “LORD” is a substitute, normally camouflaged as "LORD" notICE the SMALL CAPITAL LETTERS HAVE HIDE THE CAPITALIZATION FROM CLEAR VIEW OF THE IGNORANT and is still not the true name, YaHWeH.
The word “baal” came into
Hebrew from the Babylonian language and is translated “lord” read these
verses: Jer.23:26&27 The Muslims, the Jews, the Christians, the Eastern
Religions all use LORD. Our God has a name to set HIM apart from the
others. “How long shall this be in the heart of the prophets
that prophesy lies? ..which think to cause my people to forget my name.
their fathers have forgotten my name for Baal,” (That is, for “LORD”.)
Hosea 2:16&17 “And it shall be at that day, saith YaHWeH, thou shalt call
me Ishi” (my husband) “and shalt call me no more Baali.” (my Lord) “For
I will take away the names of Baalim” (Lords) “out of her mouth, and they
shall no more be remembered by their name.” Baal (Lord) was the name of the
deity of pagan Babylon. Lookup “Baal” in any good dictionary, many show its
origin as Hebrew and its equivalent as “lord”.
Some people make a big deal about capitalization which is a weak
argument, in light of the origin, of “lord”. Jer. 12:16 “And it shall come
to pass, if they will diligently learn the ways of my people, to swear by my
name, YaHWeH liveth; as they taught my people to swear by Baal (Lord); then
shall they be built in the midst of my people.”
to believe? I know it was for me
too. But I finally checked out the
references and had to accept God’s Hebrew Name as the authoritative name for
Matthew 28:19. Check out the many references given in this tract, don’t take
it on a person’s word, check out the Hebrew, the dictionaries, the
commentaries. The Savior was born a Hebrew with a Hebrew name, not Greek, not
Latin, not German, not English . . . HIS name is of HEBREW origin – learn it, love it, know HIM,
love HIM, call upon HIS name in spirit and Truth.
Just as the 0.T. is the foundation of the N.T. quoting Joel 2:32 in Romans 10:13, Acts 2:21, and Acts 22:16 “Whosoever shall call upon the name of YaHWeH shall be delivered” or “saved” is fulfilled by calling on the name of YaHWe-shua the Messiah, which contains the Father's name, the family name YAH, short for YaHWeH. Perhaps you have already accepted the Saviour. If so we urge you to start calling upon HIM by His true name YaH as also in YAHweh, and the Messiah, YAHshua / YaHwe-shua (for the full pronounciation) to “take the names of Baalim” (LORDS) “out of” your “mouth”.
If you are yet in your sins
having never really accepted, the promised Jewish Messiah, Saviour of the world; put
your trust in the Promised Jewish MESSIAH now. YaHWe-shua died for your sins and
is now seated on the right hand of power, who will also soon return coming in
the clouds of heaven to set up HIS kingdom to rule and reign on the earth. You
too can become a child of the Most High YaHWeH and an heir of eternal life as a
gift. “He that believeth on the Son hath everlasting life, and He that
believeth not the Son shall not see life, but the wrath of the Almighty abideth
on him." (John 3:36) Eternal life was only made possible by the shedding of
YaHWe-shua's blood, the lamb of YaHWeH, making atonement for our sins. But you
must personally accept HIM as the sacrifice for your sins and as your KING and
Sovereign Ruler over your life. “For as many as received HIM, to them gave HE
power to become the sons of YaH, even to them that believe on HIS name.” -
John 1:12 “He that believeth on HIM is not condemned: but he that believeth
not is condemned already, BECAUSE he hath NOT BELIEVED in the NAME of the only
begotten Son of YaHWeH." (John 3:18)
is the answer to Solomon's second question in Proverbs 30:4 “and what is HIS
son's name, if thou canst tell?" in English YaHshua in the short form or
YaHWe-shua in the complete form, in Hebrew
may ask, “How do I receive HIM and put trust in HIS name?”
and be baptized, every one of you in the name of YaHWeH YaHWe-shua Messiah for
the remission of sins, and you shall receive the gift of the Holy Spirit (which
is HIS indwelling invisible presence and power in your life and body), for the
promise is unto you, and to your children, and to all that are afar off, even as
many as YaHWeH our Almighty One shall call. (Acts 2:38,39) (See also Acts
8:12,16,35,36; 10:43,48; 16:31-33; 19:4&5; 22:16; Romans 6:3&4; Gal.
3:26&27; Titus 3:5; Heb. 10:22; 1 Pet. 3:21; and Mark 16:16). Psalms 33:21
“For our heart shall rejoice in HIM, because we have trusted in HIS holy
Chronicles 16:10 “Glory ye in HIS Holy Name: let the heart of them rejoice
that seek YaHWeH.” If you desire prayer, further information, spiritual
counsel, or baptism in the Sacred Name please do not hesitate to contact us.
Life is very short and uncertain, and time is fast running out. We are in the
last days, Obey HIS Word today!
you will be truly able to say, "HALLELU-YAH"!
to R.W. Young, who has ministered the Hebrew name for thirty years,
expanded by Dale H. Sabin, Ministers of YaH
do believe Jesus
is LORD don't you?
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