Jehovah Jesus   Jesus   Jesus   Jesus

Jesus    Jesus    Jesus  Jehovah Jesus

Jesus   Jesus    Jesus    Jesus


  Jesus  Jesus   Jesus   Jesus

Jesus   Jesus   Jesus  Jesus   Jesus  Jesus   Jesus   Jehovah Jesus      



YES, "Jesus is LORD"   I can say that, Jesus is Lord, using KJV English . . . But what these substitute words really mean and stand for IN HEBREW can be known by YOU today. What YOU do with this knowledge will be totally up to you.

But will you study to show yourself approved to God on "this subject" or stay with a comfortable 250 year old tradition for tradition sake? George Bush is George Bush in any language; the verbally spoken appellation is always the same, with the exception of the speaker's accent and pronunciation ignorance.

        This paper will attempt to establish that, Jesus is Lord; replaced the Hebrew words: YaHWe-shua is YaHWeH.  These Hebrew names having true and real historical meanings still valid today that are not contained nor originate with the words, Jesus and Lord. But Jesus and Lord were used as substitutes for the transliteration of the Hebrew names of the Father and Son by the tradition of men. According to the question asked in Proverbs30:4 ,  700 years before Messiah came to the earth to purchase our salvation in the realm of time and space the Hebrew names have been the only authoritative correct answer to Proverbs30:4, and therefore Hebrews 13:8, John 5:43, Acts 4:12, Acts 2:21 and Romans 10:13 which the last two quote Joel 2:32.

        May it be noted that this is NOT an attempt to demonize the spelling or name of Jesus, but to expose it (as best) a poor translation and substitution of less than 250 years usage.  Jesus does not satisfy Hebrews 13:8 in English either but instead demonstrates drift and adulteration of the English language. Including the invention of the letter "J" in the 18th Century.  For an explanation of the Greek (Hebrew name link) and mutation to the current popular English spelling, Jesus, click here.


"  The Shema  "


“The Shema,” is the pinnacle expression of the faith of Judaism.  The first and GREATEST COMMANDMENT of all commandments. Though usually forgotten or ignored by Christians which have replaced this doctrine with the tradition established by the Roman Catholic Church – The doctrine of the Trinity.

  Even all the counter-cult ministries in Christendom including, "The Bible Answer Man", "CRI", Hank Hanagraph, the modern day Apostle of the Roman Catholic Early Church Fathers as to the final interpretation of God's word, will argue the total ONENESS of God when dealing with a Mormon or Jehovah's Witness, then in the next call condemn anyone and everyone that refuses to bow their knees, will, and logic to the Roman Catholic extra-biblical word, Trinity, "as three separate persons" which Martin Luther also said, "we can't understand - but must believe" in the Trinity, "as three separate persons" instead of three primary manifestations being presented in the scriptures as representing the Shema, Deut.6:4 & Mark 12:29.  Let the reformation continue out of the dark ages of superstition that "must be believed" but can't be understood, out of that great whore, the Roman Catholic Church and her daughters.

Deuteronomy 6:4 being named by it's first Hebrew word pronounced: “Shema” meaning “HEAR” in English.  When the question was ask of YaHWe-shua, in Mark 12:28b “Which is the first commandment of all?”  (Mark 12:29) HE “answered him, THE FIRST of all the commandments

is, .”

  Quoting: Deut.6:4  “Hear, O Israel; YaHWeH our God YaHWeH is ONE.”

in Mark 12:29

        Transliterated:         Shema ,   O   Israel ;           YaHWeH                 Elohim     YaHWeH                 echad.                .


The Hebrew word order ends with the word "ONE".  
The KJV uses the Greek O.T. word order, instead of the original Hebrew word order Messiah would use.


This is also claimed to be the most important Bible verse by  "ONENESS" Believers. 
The verse in the Hebrew language as it was originally given above contains the proper

Hebrew name of God, YaHWeH, twice.


NOTE:***Remember the Hebrew language is read from right to left, the opposite of English.
This means the scribes were left handed men, meaning they were in their right minds.
If you have not studied the left and right sides of the brain that won't mean anything to you. But if you have,
 you know that most men are bias to the left side of their brain while most women are in their right minds 
as the Hebrew scribes were.


To divorce the name of YaHWeH from "The Shema" would be a grave error!



Mal. 1:6  " A son honoureth his father, and a servant his master: if then I be

a father, where is mine honour  ?   and if I be a master, where is my fear  ?

saith  YaHWeH of hosts unto YOU, O priests, THAT DESPISE MY NAME.

And ye say,  Wherein have we despised thy name ? "

Mal. 2:1  " And now, O ye priests, this commandment is for you. "

  Mal. 2:2  " If ye will not hear, and if ye will not lay it to heart, to give glory unto MY NAME,
YaHWeH of hosts, I will even send a curse upon you, and I will curse your blessings: 
yea, I have cursed them already, because ye do not lay it to heart. "

  Mal. 3:16  " Then they that feared YaHWeH spake often one to another:
YaHWeH hearkened, heard it, and a book of remembrance was written 
before HIM
for them that feared YaHWeH, and that thought upon HIS NAME. "

Shortly after Malachi
the Jewish doctrine of NAME SUBSTITUTION
was put in full force by the tradition of men.


Or do you think his name is still L

Think about it  !    .

Black's Law Dictionary:
Praesentia corporis tollit errorem nominis; et veritas nominis errorem demonstrationis - says:   
The presence of the body cures error in the name (or alias);


cures  an  error  of  description.


be it known to you



Exodus 34:6  " And YaHWeH passed by before him, and proclaimed,

YaHWeH,  YaHWeH God,

merciful, gracious, longsuffering, and abundant in goodness and TRUTH. "


Psalm 33:4  " For the word of  YaHWeH is right ;

and all HIS works are done in TRUTH. "







cures any error of description.



Psalm 100:5  " For YaHWeH is good; HIS mercy is everlasting;




Ephesians 4:13  " Till we all come in the unity of the faith,


unto a perfect man,

unto the measure of the stature of  THE FULNESS OF CHRIST:



Proverb 16:6  " By mercy and TRUTH iniquity is purged: and

by the fear of YaHWeH men depart from evil. "


Acts 5:28 "... did we straitly command you that ye
should NOT teach in THIS NAME?


Acts 8:16 ... baptized in the name of  YaHWeH  YaHWe-shua


Acts 19:5   When they heard this,

they were baptized in the name of YaHWeH YaHWe-shua.


Acts 21:13 Then Paul answered, ...
for I am ready not to be bound only,
but also TO DIE at Jerusalem for THE NAME
of YaHWeH YaHWe-shua.

Jehovah   Jesus


Black's Law Dictionary:  Praesentia corporis tollit errorem nominis; et veritas nominis errorem demonstrationis - says: 
The presence of the body cures error in the name (or alias);
THE TRUTH OF THE NAME cures an error of description.

This is not being superstitious about names as the 1611 KJV Preface 
"THE TRANSLATORS To the Reader" aludes,
all KJV Only folks owe it to themselves to purchase a 1611 reprint and read
then they can know by what authority they swear by.

A short quote from the translators to the reader of the 1611 KJV:  "Add hereunto, that niceness in words was always counted the next step to trifling, and so was to be curious about names too: also that we cannot follow a better pattern for elocution than God himself; therefore he using divers words, in his holy writ, and indifferently for one thing in nature: [see Euseb. li. 12. ex Platon.] we, if we will not be superstitious, may use the same liberty in our English versions out of Hebrew and Greek, for that copy or store that he hath given us."      Unquote: Emphasis added.  Here it is clear the KJV translators decided that tradition of English names was good enough for laymen, but leave the deeper and original name of  God  used 6,825+ times to them to be curious about.  Hence we in Protestantism have created our own intermediate priesthood between God and the people being the scholars and theologians by hiding the REAL origin name of God and teaching and preaching substitutes.     

Read the whole thing for yourselves by clicking here.

  Click below to continue this study of:

The name of God

Proof  YaHWeH was in the NT text, click here.

THE NAME OF God     - section -

1   The Name of Jesus

You do say, Halleluyah, don't you?

3   The Shema  &  Jesus is LORD

4   The name of God  pictures of YHWH in OT & NT coversheets of 1611KJV

  The King James Version Name Game Chart


Picture of the YHWH in Hebrew on OT coversheet of 1602 bible 

Click here to see what was written above the Cross
the way it looked to the Apostles


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